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Member of Parliament in Portrait: Christos Pantazis (SPD)

Member of Parliament in Portrait: Christos Pantazis (SPD)
Christos Pantazis (SPD)

Christos Pantazis (SPD)

© SPD parliamentary group, Lower Saxony state parliament

The Braunschweig doctor Dr. Christos Pantazis ran for the SPD. He was born in 1975 in Seelze, Lower Saxony, to a "classic Greek guest worker family," as it was called. Pantazis studied human medicine at the Hannover Medical School, the University of Basel and the University of Ioannina until 2003. From 2004 to 2013, Pantazis was a neurosurgeon at the Braunschweig Municipal Hospital. The doctor joined the SPD in 1998. From 2013 to 2021 he was a member of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. In 2021 he was elected to the Bundestag, where he is deputy health policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group. (cben)



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